Submission Instructions
We welcome and encourage the submission of high-quality papers that have not already been published elsewhere.
We welcome submissions on all aspects of AI. Submissions will be subject to single-blind peer review by the programme committee. They will be evaluated based on relevance, clarity, significance, originality, soundness, reproducibility, scholarship, and quality of presentation.
Generative AI: The use of AI systems to generate text for inclusion in a submission is only allowed if its role is properly documented in the manuscript (e.g., when reporting on experiments on such systems). However, the use of AI-powered systems to assist with the polishing of human-authored text is permissible.
Full papers should be written in English, formatted according to the CEUR Workshop Proceedings style, and not exceed
10 pages plus bibliography. Author's instructions, are available in this
Overleaf template. We also invite submission of
position papers. They must not exceed
4 pages and they should relate to an ongoing research, but can also present work that has been presented elsewhere. Please state clearly where the paper has been presented before. Position papers will be presented by the authors alongside regular papers. Selected papers will be invited for an oral or poster presentation.
We highly encourage early stage researchers and PhD students to submit their work.
Paper submission is electronic via CMT at:
The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the CEUR Free Open-Access Proceedings for Computer Science Workshops. These proceedings are approved as a scientific publication channel at level 1 in Norway.